Idea of making FogJoggers company has evolved through the years of successful entrepreneurship in many different ares like entertainment, local services, financial market investments and audio-visual media, and all this due to our never ending passion, vision, energy, determination and focus in providing excellent customer care no matter what.
In many cases we were turning our hobbys into a real businesses despite tought economic situation or having only small amount of money from savings but what was letting us going toward success was great mindset of our family members.
In 1998 as a just married couple we made decission to open our first business which was selling second hand clothes in local markets. This completely failed due to a fact that all the best places had been taken so we had no place to sell. Next idea was to run restaurant which was a great idea but horrible place for exclusive dishes so the project did not last for long. This was our first time where we were learning about customer care. It was a fantastic experience. In the meantime we became a parents of two boys so having hands full of work and nappies we managed to keep on going but it was a hard time for us especially with only small amount of time for sleep.
From the beginning of our business trip we always were dedicated to improving the lives of our customers with the products or services we have offered. We built a global brand in hard time but it paid off only because of respecting nations, businesses and environment. We believe that providing excellent service is our goal and by doing so we will add a value to lifes around us. Positive attatude, hard work and respect to our family, customers, business partners and planet helped us grow and we are proud of it.